Afshin Jafari - Ocean’s Echo
Aimee Fitzgerald - 2019-2024
Alex Parker - Deep Down
Alina Batishcheva - The World after Us
Andrew Leontarou - Break Dance
Andrew Smith - La mer
Anna Martin - Absolution
Audrey Baronet - BETA
Aung Win Maung - Sunbathers at Cabbage Tree Bay
b e x t a (becky guggisberg) - Take me to the water
Bronislaw - Whispers & Fury
Cassandra King - There’s a sea in my bedroom
Christine Matthews - Twelve Apostles
Claire van der Watt - Held in Suspension
Clara Chiu - Sunset in Miyazaki
Clare Tradgett - Ocean Edge
Claudio valenti - Reflections of Self
Coco Elder - Ephemeral Window- the Never Never
Conchita Carambano - Water space
Craig Phillips - Storm Approaching Little Congwong
Danielle Palmer - Things on Thongs
Daniel Vaughan - Cenote Kaleidoscope
Elizabeth Ellen - The Only Way Forward Is Through
Elmar Akhmetov - Eternal Dance
Evie Homewood - Into the lull 2
Forough Yavari - Lily In The Deep Blue Water
G.G. Jolliffe - Georgie, as Ophelia, in The Bubble wrap Dress
Gary Martin - Coolola
Geoff Coleman - Dark Waters
Hamish Hall - Me when I swim under the bridge (with moustache)
Heather Menzies - Palmy Pool
Jane Long - Shelter from the Rain
Janelle Hatherly - My father began as a god
Jennifer Little - Safe Harbour
John Scott - Undersea dreaming (2)
Judith Hill - Flood Horizon
Julie Crowley - Take a Breath
Julie Foster - Worth the Climb
Julie Simmons - The Bruny Stack
Kathryn Johnston - Swell
Kelly Rowe - Tussock Dawn
Kirsty Gautheron - Rock My World (Collins Beach)
Kristine Ballard - Aquatic Adventures
Lauren Esplin - Thalassophiles
Leah Ramage - Flow State
Leigh Rust - Summer, Wilson's Prom
Lilli Waters - Disarm the Gods
Linda Dry -Parker - Temporary fixture
Lorraine Frances-Rees - Swimming Boys
Margareth Hadfield - The Splash of Light
Marilou Palazon - Replenish
Michelle Estall - Waiora
Michelle Henry - Blown by the moist breath of Zephyros
Phillip Hui - Go Ashore
Ralph Kerle - Burning Outback
Richelle Hampton - Breaking Wave
Robyn Mannes - Coral Currents
Rory Obrien - Into the overflow
Rose knight - She Gathers
Roxanne Weston - Living Tapestry
Scarlet Jahn - Merging Waters
Stephanie Gallagher - The colour of memory
Stephanie Perrins - Bounty
Steven Babbage - Wukaluwikiwayna
Sue Field - After the Rain
Sue Meyer - Aqua Dive
Susan M Burrows - Shaping our environment
Trisha Lambi - Kiss The Sky
Wendy Rennie - In Motion
Yao Mikami - Dragon Water Fall